peace dove

Letter to President Obama on Peace

May 25, 2011

President Barack Obama

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear Mr. President,

As we approach another Memorial Day, honoring those who have served our country, in past and current wars, you have an opportunity to address our Nation with a vision for Peace.  Many citizens believe the time has come to establish a cabinet-level Department of Peace.  A Department of Peace would give credibility to our resolve to provide leadership for Peace in the world and be strengthened by tested strategies for resolving conflict.

As you stated in your latest speech, the current push in the Arab world for basic human rights and democracy makes the impasse in the Palestinian/Israeli conflict and occupation unsustainable, and no longer tolerable.  A Department of Peace could send trained mediators who are viewed as neutral, not biased by State Department national interests.  U.S. interests have become so aligned with Israel’s national security that our State Department cannot possibly facilitate a true mediation process between Israeli and Palestinian interests.

With all due respect, Mr. President, one way you can start being a voice for Peace is to use words that respect the humanity of all participants.  The voice of Peace, as I understand it, does not label “good” guys vs. “bad” guys.  Calling Hamas a “terrorist” organization, and its members “terrorists,” disrespects their humanity.  Further, it suggests that you are voiceless when it comes to recognition of the harm, the wounds, the violations of international law all parties to the conflict have engaged in.  The voice of Peace must be balanced and pave the way for reconciliation by respecting the dignity of all parties.  All participants in the Palestinian/Israeli conflict share the same basic human needs:  security and the rights of self-governance.

Finally, Mr. President, one very powerful voice for Peace that you could state on behalf of the United States would be to withhold the enormous amount of money we are sending to Israel.  We sanction other countries in an effort to prompt them to work towards more peaceful actions.  So far, Israel has refused to listen to your request to stop further settlements of Palestinian territory and Mr. Netanyahu’s recent words do not suggest any recognition of that prerequisite to establishing a process towards peace.  Such a sanction of Israel would be a courageous act on your part.  I believe it would give even more credibility to your voice for Peace than your recent speech.  In the Arab world, sanctioning Israel in this manner would silence the voices that say they want to see action, not just words, from the President of the United States.

This year, this Memorial Day, can be your moment in history, Mr. President, to be a voice for Peace.  We, the United States citizenry, can no longer sustain constant involvement in armed conflict.  You have witnessed the wounds.  Our voice for Peace must include a Department of Peace with trained personnel capable of engaging conflict without violent weapons.  It is no longer tolerable to involve our citizens or those of other countries in the atrocities caused by war and violence.


Patricia R. Lynn