
How to make a more peaceful world with just your phone and index finger.

Friends.  This is really important, please read.

The Obama administration has reached a historic deal with Iran,

which halts their nuclear weapons program.

Military and intelligence experts from around the world have agreed,

this diplomatic breakthrough subjects Iran to unprecedented inspections of its nuclear and military facilities.

It cuts off all paths for Iran to build a nuclear weapon,

and subjects them to intrusive inspections and verification measures.

Only after UN inspectors certify compliance will Iran gradually get much-needed relief

from crushing international economic sanctions, which have devastated life for ordinary Iranians.

Economic, cultural, and travel opportunities could flourish between our peoples.

Security cooperation could cause peace to break out in that part of the world.

The alternative to this deal is unfortunately another war in the Middle East, draining the world’s blood and treasure.

The deal is in serious trouble! Congress will vote in September, and warmongers are spending millions to kill the deal.

Let’s show them that our voices are stronger than the power of their money.

Please call and urge support of the Iran peace deal:

Senator Debbie Stabenow    (616) 975-0052 (G.R. office)

Senator Gary Peters   (517) 377-1508 (Lansing office)

Representative Fred Upton (269) 385-0039 (Kzoo office)