
Memorial Day March
Issues, Military Budget

Military Budget

MILITARISM AND THE NATION’S PRIORITIES: As the military budget expands, the nation increasingly lacks the financial means and political will to deal with the true crises of our time, which include poverty, climate change, and the severe depletion of the earth’s resources. KNOW favors a drastic reduction of the military […]

Issues, Nuclear Weapons Ban

Nuclear Weapons Ban

The use of nuclear weapons is unthinkable, the threat of using nuclear weapons is immoral, and the possession of nuclear weapons constitutes a reckless endangerment of life on earth. We believe the United States must renounce the use of nuclear weapons, and begin dismantling and destroying its nuclear arsenal, as […]

Iraq, Issues


we support – An end to the current occupation A legislative initiative to withhold funding for the continuation of the war and occupation A return of all US troops US funding for Iraqi reconstruction by Iraqis No permanent US military bases in Iraq